31. 7. 2012

Horseback Riding úkoly/Quest (od 2/8 do 16/8)

úkoly jsou nevydané, obrázky odměn se zobrazí v den vydání úkolů, tj. 2.8.2012

Let’s Go Horseback Riding Quest


Let’s Go Horseback Riding Quest 11. Get 6 Grooming Kits
2. Harvest 50 Wheat (12 Hrs)
3. Harvest Pet Run 2 times
Grooming Kit

Grooming KitWestern Prairie Dog
Let’s Go Horseback Riding Quest 21. Get 7 Saddle Pads
2. Harvest 75 Rice (12 Hrs)
3. Harvest Western Prairie Dog 2 times
Saddle PadUnwither

Saddle PadUnwither x1

Let’s Go Horseback Riding Quest 31. Get 8 Packed Lunches
2. Harvest 100 Spinach (14 Hrs)
3. Harvest Bunny Hutch 2 times
Packed LunchesWestern Pond

Packed LunchesWestern Pond

Let’s Go Horseback Riding Quest 41. Get 9 Stirrups
2. Harvest 150 Soybeans (1 Day)
3. Master Prairie dog to 1 star  (5 Harvests)

StirrupsBarn Dog

Let’s Go Horseback Riding Quest 51. Get 9 pairs of Riding Boots!
2. Harvest 150 Cotton (12 Hrs)
3. Harvest Barn Dog 2 times
Pair of Raiding BootsHorseshoe Tree

Pair of Raiding BootsHorseshoe Tree

Let’s Go Horseback Riding Quest 61. Get 9 Pairs of Spurs
2. Harvest 150 Daffodils (2 Days)
3. Harvest Horseshoe Tree 2 Times
Pair of Spur3 Pack of Turbos

Pair of Spur3 Pack of Turbos

Let’s Go Horseback Riding Quest 71. Get 10 Cowboy Hats
2. Harvest 150 Eggplant (2 Days)
3. Master Barn Dog to 1 Star (5 Harvests)
Cowboy Hats

Cowboy HatsCollie Dog

Let’s Go Horseback Riding Quest 81. Get 11 Saddle Bags
2. Harvest 150 Squash (2 Days)
3. Craft Arborist 1 time
Saddle BagUnwither

Saddle BagUnwither x1

Let’s Go Horseback Riding Quest 91. Get 12 Bags of Oats
2. Harvest 200 Sunflowers (1 Day)
3. Craft 1 Farm hands
Bag of Oats

Bag of OatsEndurance Horse

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